- Market entry in Germany
- Educational Campaign
- Oversea Network Building
- In Dialogue with Doctors and Pharmacists
- Corporate Movie for Investors
- What is Important to Doctors and Pharmacists? - A survey
- Patient stories: Ehancing the Quality of Life
Consulting and concept development
Market entry in Germany
Developing a PR strategy for Wayland’s market entry in Germany
Wayland, a Canadian producer and distributor of medical cannabis, started its work in Germany in May 2018. DIE PR-BERATER’s efforts were aimed at positioning the enterprise as a suitable and qualified cannabis producer among doctors, pharmacists and patients and to brighten up the public image of cannabis for medical purposes.
DIE PR-BERATER conceived a comprehensive strategy to transport medical cannabis into the public and to position the company Wayland within defined target groups. During the conception, the team worked intensively into the legal subtleties of communication on medical cannabis, which take place in the area of conflict between the Therapeutic Product Advertising Act (HWG) and the Narcotics Act (BtMG). In addition, the agency explored the extremely dynamic market environment and identified key opinion leaders and potential partners.
In the course of implementation, the "Team Cannabis" of DIE PR-BERATER built up a network of key opinion leaders, doctors, pharmacists, patients and media representatives and interacted with these target groups via selected channels. One result of the analysis was, for example, that although the interest of physicians is high, the level of knowledge about the cannabinoid system and the various cannabinoids, such as pyschotrophic tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or relaxing cannabidiol (CBD) is very low. In cooperation with Canadian and German experts, the agency developed an online training course that picks up German doctors exactly where they stand.
With a strategic mix of different PR activities, the agency generated nationwide attention for medical cannabis in general and Wayland in particular. At the same time, the awareness and understanding of the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis in the target groups improved.
Press and media relations
Educational campaign
Creating awareness for and clearing up the image of medical cannabis as well as positioning Wayland in German press and media
In early 2017, Wayland was almost unknown in Germany and medical cannabis was reduced to the aspect of prescription rates. The agency's press and media work was therefore aimed at expanding the thematic focus of its reporting and positioning Wayland as a reliable manufacturer and supplier of high-quality medical cannabis. The agency worked out individual aspects of the topic that could be combined with the qualities of the company. These included "quality and purity", "patient stories" and the local reference "production in Germany". For each aspect we developed an independent storytelling, which we published via internal and external media.
An important event took place in late summer 2018 when Wayland’s had their first harvest in Ebersbach near Dresden. We staged "Germany's first cannabis centre" and invited people from all over Germany to a 52 hectare (72 football pitches) large field. The main attractions of this day were the five-metre-high cannabis plants and the specially developed machines for harvesting and drying. We concentrated our activities in the trade press around a Wayland sponsored scientific symposium at the addiction congress in Munich and further presence at relevant trade congresses. A series of press releases, special publications and author contributions orchestrated the press work in the direction of specialist target groups. As a result, the number of inquiries from physicians and pharmacists, but also from producers and distributors of cannabis-based drugs and products at Wayland increased drastically.
Press and photo opportunity
Oversea network building
Building up a Stakeholder Network and Enhancing the Reporting on Wayland’s Activities
The agency conceived a PR trip to Wayland's headquarter in the Canadian metropolis of Toronto. In preparation, the agency analyzed the landscape of key opinion leaders in Germany in connection with medical cannabis and segmented it according to topic and significance. Thus, we succeeded in winning some very renowned key opinion leaders for the common journey. Representatives from media such as Handelsblatt, Focus Money, Sächsische Zeitung, Deutsches Ärzteblatt and Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung completed the delegation. The programme of the trip included a visit to the innovative production plant in Langton, Ontario, a visit to a cannabis trade fair and an expert panel of Canadian scientists, doctors and pharmacists. The trip resulted in extensive coverage of medical cannabis and Wayland and a stable network of key opinion leaders in the scientific and political sectors.
Trade shows and events
In dialogue with doctors and pharmacists
Addressing doctors and pharmacists at trade fairs and congresses to inform them about the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis and cannabis-based products
DIE PR-BERATER first identified relevant trade fairs and congresses. Pain and palliative medicine, oncology and neurology, but also general and internal medicine appeared to be fruitful targets due to the broad spectrum of cannabis’ applications. In addition, pharmacists play a key role in the provision of cannabis-based drugs to patients. For this reason, Europe's largest pharmaceutical trade fair, Expopharm, was also on the agenda. In order to deepen the network in this particular target group, the agency developed a workshop concept and implemented it at Expopharm.
DIE PR-BERATER were responsible for the complete life cycle of all appearances, such as event preparation and management, visitor acquisition and retention, trade fair stand concept, stand support and follow-up. In total, we achieved around 1,000 direct contacts with our customer's key target groups. As a result, the number of enquiries from pharmacies and potential trade partners to customers increased drastically.
Films and presentations
Corporate movie for investors
Conceiving and producing a corporate movie addressing potential investors
DIE PR-BERATER conceived and produced a corporate movie for the company. The focus was on the client's extensive experience in the field of medical cannabis, its activities in Germany and the market potential for cannabis. Wayland today uses the film at investor‘s conferences worldwide.
Press and media relations
What is important to doctors and pharmacists? - A survey
Understanding the doctor’s and pharmacists’ way of thinking, developing key topics for the media work
Based on qualitative background discussions with individual representatives of the target groups, the agency developed a digital survey concept to shed light on the attitudes towards and experiences of doctors and pharmacists with medical cannabis. Around 300 medical specialists and 300 pharmacists took part. Based on the results, DIE PR-BERATER wrote press releases, developed infographics and achieved nationwide placements.
Press and media relations
Patient stories: enhancing the quality of life
Explaining the potential of medical cannabis through a patient’s eyes
DIE PR-BERATER identified patients who are seriously ill and treated with cannabis. Based on detailed and very personal interviews, the agency developed "success stories" which show that medical cannabis can improve the life quality of patients. The stories are used for press and media work and integrated into the closed area for medical professionals on Wayland's website.