

  • Targeted Positioning
  • Against the assignment of anorexic models
  • Explaining Success in Dialogue with the Press
  • Appearance of Opening Fashion D.
  • Opening Fashion D.
  • Invitation Management of Opening Fashion D.
  • Clips to LED-Animation
  • Attention for Opening Fashion D.

Press and media relations

Targeted Positioning



To increase the awareness level of the association of German clothing manufacturers, positioning as a branch expert and image building of the German fashion industry

The GermanFashion Modeverband e.V. represents the German fashion industry and advocates the interests of its approximately 350 members.



Together with the association DIE PR BERATER developed target group-specific themes for the industry as well as for the general public. Here the focus in the trade press was on the positioning as branch-specific expert, whereas in the general press the focus was on the success and creativity of the German fashion industry in international competition.

Press and photo opportunity

Against the Assignment of Anorexic Models



Support of the initiative "Life has weight - together against the slimness craze" by the German Federal Ministry of Health, statement on behalf of the industry against the assignment of anorexic models on catwalks and in advertisements.



In a joint press conference with Federal Minister of Health Ulla Schmidt, the Igedo Fashion Fairs, the German Fashion Institute and the Verband lizenzierter Modelagenturen (association of licenced model agencies) GermanFashion, together with the other industry players, announced their involvement against the slimness craze. For a speech held by executive committee member Marc Voss DIE PR BERATER stressed the motives for the engagement and voiced the clear aims and measures of the association.


Press conference

Explaining Success in Dialogue with the Press



Placing the current results of the industry in the trade press and with business editors on the basis of the association`s economic figures.



DIE PR BERATER dealt with this theme at a press conference. We achieved a high feedback in the media by illustrating and explaining the mere figures with different themes - for consumers (the price index for fashion is on the rise!) as well as for the industry (the current success story of the industry, especially thanks to Eastern Europe). The association`s executive committee and management discussed the rather controversial topics with journalists.



Appearance of Opening Fashion D.



Development of the design of Opening Fashion D.

The new central opening event of GermanFashion Modeverband and fashionnetwork on the occasion of the Igedo Fashion Fairs took place on 31st January 2009 at the Düsseldorf airport. The aim: added media attention for the fashion location Düsseldorf.



DIE PR-BERATER developed a design communicating three content pillars of the event: opening party, fashion show, ModeMedienpreis (fashion media prize). With the big "D" the logo stresses the focus on the fashion location Düsseldorf. Starting point for the picture and colour composition of the media such as web page and invitation was the technical and seemingly "unfinished" appearance of location atypical for a gala evening: "Station Airport".

Trade shows and events

Opening Fashion D.



Development of the design of Opening Fashion D.

The new central opening event of GermanFashion Association and fashionnetwork for the Igedo Fashion Fairs took place on January 31, 2009 at Düsseldorf Airport. It is intended to generate more attention for Düsseldorf as a fashion location.



Opening Fashion D. included the presentation of the ModeMedienpreis 2009, the Opening Party for the Igedo Fashion Fairs and three fashion shows. DIE PR-BERATER were looking for a contrast to the dignified galas and award ceremonies usually taking place in the Düsseldorf fashion scene. An important element for this was the choice and design of the industrial-looking location "Station Airport" directly on the runway of Düsseldorf Airport. We were also responsible for the design of all media (website, ticket, single-player films, presentations), the stage programme and the organisation of the event. Around 700 guests enjoyed the mix of award ceremony, fashion show and party.


Tools and Applications

Invitation Management for Opening Fashion D.



Invitation management for Opening Fashion D, the central opening event of the fashion fairs in Düsseldorf in January 2009

Opening Fashion D was a combined event that included the presentation of the Fashion Media Award 2009, the official opening party of the fashion fairs as well as three fashion shows. Around 700 guests attended the evening.



As organizer of the event, DIE PR-BERATER designed and programmed an online tool for an efficient invitation management. The invitations were sent to the recipients by e-mail which directed them to an online interface for registration. This registration window was connected to an online database which allowed clients, organizers, sponsors and the agency realtime access to the comprising information.


Film and Presentations

Clips to LED-Animation



Creation and production of all video clips and typographical LED animations for the stage programme of Opening Fashion D.

The new central opening event of GermanFashion Modeverband and fashionnetwork on the occasion of the Igedo Fashion Fairs took place on 31st January 2009 at the Düsseldorf airport. Aim of the event: generate further attention for the fashion location Düsseldorf.



Flipping through a fashion magazine - was what DIE PR-BERATER used as a leitmotif for the video clips. Opening a new page leads leads to a new programme item of the event.

Press and Media Relations

Attention for opening Fashion D.



Announcement of Opening Fashion D. and with it further media attention for the fashion fairs and the fashion location Düsseldorf



DIE PR-BERATER designed a multiple-staged press address with particular focus on preliminary reporting and encompassed different project partners like the city of Düsseldorf, the state North Rhine-Westphalia and the location operator as senders of press releases. Besides, themes like "Station Airport", the new location used for the very first time, the debate about Düsseldorf as fashion location, the prominent partners and guests served as a special pitch.